Sunday, March 16, 2014

Coming September 2014...

Chad and I couldn't be more excited for our growing family. It has made for a very crazy start to 2014.

Rewind to January 9th: I realized that I was about 5 days late. Whoops. So I decided to stop by Rite-Aid {no one goes to Rite Aid so I figured I was safe} and grab a pregnancy test. I took it immediately when I got home around 4:30 and it was positive. <INSERT THE BEGINNING OF ME FREAKING OUT> Of course chad was not due home for another hour & a half so I began the long wait...literally the loooooongest hour and a half ever!!!! Chad knew something was up when I called him at 5:30 promptly asking when he'd be home. When he finally got home at 6:00 - there was a glass of whiskey and a gold box sitting on the table. I let him choose which one to have first. He knew exactly what was in the box without even opening it. He was SO BEYOND EXCITED (and I was still freaking out). In true Chad nature, he decided we should take more tests just in case but first we needed to watch the Arizona Game. Around 8:30 we ventured out to Target on a super top secret mission to buy another several boxes of tests. I passed all 8 of them.

More to come on the reveal of Baby Robb to family & Friends.